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2022-Originals Available. Inquire by email

Available as various sized prints.

1-Canvas GICLÉE - VERY BEST Quality Reproduction - Most like the original - Mounted on rigid 1.5" deep frame

2-Fine Art Somerset Velvet Bamboo, Estrada Paper - 2ND BEST Quality Reproduction

3-C-Print - Satin Paper - 3RD BEST Quality Reproduction

4-Premium Poster Paper - 4TH BEST Quality Reproduction

36" x 24" Acrylic on Canvas

Another sample of landscape from the Red River Gorge, KY - this location provided a great juxtaposition between light and dark, nice shapes and the tenuousness of the cliff's edge. It proved to be a wonderful location to position my second bobcat painting. The addition of the butterfly gives the feline a source of attention and a bit of illusionary motion to the composition.


36"x24" Canvas GICLÉE $452.00


36" x 24" Fine Art Somerset Velvet Bamboo, Estrada Paper  $236.00


36" x 24" C-Print - Satin Paper  $13200


36" x 24" Poster Paper, Satin  $102.00


Plus Shipping/Handling


36" x 24" Acrylic on Canvas

The fox is such a beautiful creature. I remember several occasions of having a fox show itself. The first was late afternoon at my parents house. My Dad and I were in the front yard and were utterly surprised, and delighted, as a fox trotted right past us no more than 30 feet away as it traversed yard after yard heading down our street. It didn't seem overly concerned, just wary and alert. What a beauty. 


36"x24" Canvas GICLÉE $452.00


36" x 24" Fine Art Somerset Velvet Bamboo, Estrada Paper  $236.00


36" x 24" C-Print - Satin Paper  $132.00


36" x 24" Poster Paper, Satin  $102.00


​Plus Shipping/Handling


36" x 24" Acrylic on Canvas

The landscape from the Red River Gorge in Kentucky provides an endless source of inspiration. A hike near Gray's Arch reveals a tapestry of erosion and earthy colors. From our time perspective the walls remain the same year after year. In reality they are ever so slowly changing. It's the living things; plants, animals, and insects that activate the landscape, inhabit the ancient stones and pass away all too soon as the stones endure.


36"x24" Canvas GICLÉE $452.00


36" x 24" Fine Art Somerset Velvet Bamboo, Estrada Paper  $236.00


36" x 24" C-Print - Satin Paper  $132.00


36" x 24" Poster Paper, Satin  $102.00


​Plus Shipping/Handling

Cliff Dweller.jpeg

24" x 18" Acrylic on Canvas

A walk through the forest or a modest city park offers an abundance of smaller sub biomes. Little places rich in detail that are home to the smaller forest folk. Frisky chipmunks are common inhabitants to these miniature landscapes. And, as able climbers, walls that would be cliffs to us are just another direction to take in their three dimensional world.


24"x18" Canvas GICLÉE $274.00


24" x 18" Fine Art Somerset Velvet Bamboo, Estrada Paper  $274.00


24" x 18" C-Print - Satin Paper  $80.00


24" x 18" Poster Paper, Satin  $60.00


Plus Shipping/Handling

Wren in Reds.jpg

20" x 16" Acrylic on Canvas

This painting comes from a photograph I took many years ago on Ektachrome slide film. I came across it stored in a basement box. Time and possibly temperature had color shifted the emulsion to the purple side. Cool! I liked the change and decided to paint the subject. I must also give credit to the female mallard who so patiently endured my close approach, as I did not have a zoom lens with me. She continued doing her thing as I paused and appreciated the moment. One last credit has to go for my name selection.     Thanks Jimi.


20"x16" Canvas GICLÉE $222.00


20" x 16" Fine Art Somerset Velvet Bamboo, Estrada Paper  $222.00


20" x 16" C-Print - Satin Paper  $52.00


20" x 16" Poster Paper, Satin  $40.00


Plus Shipping/Handling

A few strange things going on here. Full blown Autumn colors in the foreground but the background seems to be high Summer. My goal with this painting was to see how well I could interpret the many hues of the leaves in enough detail to show the leaf anatomy.
I guess I spent so much time focused on the leaves that I totally forgot about making the background environment match the season. Chalk one up for learning. Nice contrast though. 

48" x 24" Acrylic on Canvas

48"x24" Canvas GICLÉE $762.00


48" x 24" Fine Art Somerset Velvet Bamboo, Estrada Paper  $430.00


48" x 24" C-Print - Satin Paper  $240.00


48" x 24" Poster Paper, Satin  $186.00


Plus Shipping/Handling


18" x 36" Acrylic on Canvas

Dead trees often have more personality than the live ones. As they weather, the wood color fades to grays. Bark and branches begin to fall off. The recyclers dismantle from the inside out. Yet for all this, many continue to stand for years, offering homes, perches and hiding places for a myriad of wonderful forest dwellers. This tree is one of those. Though its better years have long ago passed its spirit as a forest provider endures.


18"x36" Canvas GICLÉE $452.00


18" x 36" Fine Art Somerset Velvet Bamboo,
Estrada Paper  $236.00


18" x 36" C-Print - Satin Paper  $132.00


18" x 36" Poster Paper, Satin  $102.00


Plus Shipping/Handling

36" x 24" Acrylic on Canvas

I just love bobcats. What an amazing, secretive, agile, beautiful forest resident. I do think the worlds forests and jungles are the designers of the creatures that live there. Forests covered much of the earth long before insects and animals began to populate the land. When mobile earthlings first began to explore the land they had to adapt to the environment created by the forests. Their shapes, colors, habits and lifestyles all had to be molded around what the forest provided. Bobcats are a prime example of that. They thrive because of the forests. And the bobcat, in its humble way, does its part to keep the forest in balance.


36"x 24" Canvas GICLÉE $452.00


36" x 24" Fine Art Somerset Velvet Bamboo, Estrada Paper  $236.00


36" x 24" C-Print - Satin Paper  $132.00


36" x 24" Poster Paper, Satin  $102.00


Plus Shipping/Handling


16" x 20" Acrylic on Canvas

This painting was inspired by an early evening walk at Sharon Woods, Cincinnati. There was still a good amount of light but the sun was getting low on the horizon, casting long shadows. I liked how it was illuminating this fence and I thought the large amount of lichen growth on the wood attested to a good number of years that this fenching has endured. I had been looking for a scene as home to a red squirrel. This seemed to be a good fit. However, not satisfied with my interpretation of a red, I changed it to a gray squirrel, much more common in my area.


18"x 24" Canvas GICLÉE $274.00


18"x 24" Fine Art Somerset Velvet Bamboo, Estrada Paper  $134.00


18"x 24" C-Print - Satin Paper  $68.00


18"x 24" Poster Paper, Satin  $54.00


Plus Shipping/Handling



25) Tucked In - Great Horned Owl.jpg

16" x 40" Acrylic on Canvas


16"x 40" Canvas GICLÉE $574.00


16" x 40" Fine Art Somerset Velvet Bamboo, Estrada Paper  $298.00


16" x 40" C-Print - Satin Paper  $166.00


16" x 40" Poster Paper, Satin  $128.00


Plus Shipping/Handling

Owls are one of my favorite subjects. I've seen and heard many Great Horned Owls in my area. Walking my neighborhood we have many evergreens, mostly spruces. These are beautiful trees, many with unique visual personalities. They were an initial inspiration as I gathered visual reference material for this painting. So I wanted to put the owl and the spruce together in some manner. I decided on a horizontal format for drama. The clouds started as calm, less detailed, simple fluffs, but as I experimented with forms and various brushes, they evolved into a turbulent, perhaps after a clearing storm, more animated distant background.

Catching the Breeze 48x24.jpg

48" x 24" Acrylic on Canvas


48"x 24" Canvas GICLÉE $762.00


48" x 24" Fine Art Somerset Velvet Bamboo, Estrada Paper  $430.00


48" x 24" C-Print - Satin Paper  $240.00


48" x 24" Poster Paper, Satin  $186.00


​Plus Shipping/Handling

Inspired by backyard clouds and a photo from friend Trish Harmon.

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