2023-Originals Available. Inquire by email
Available as various sized prints.
1-Canvas GICLÉE - VERY BEST Quality Reproduction - Most like the original - Mounted on rigid 1.5" deep frame
2-Fine Art Somerset Velvet Bamboo, Estrada Paper - 2ND BEST Quality Reproduction
3-C-Print - Satin Paper - 3RD BEST Quality Reproduction
4-Premium Poster Paper - 4TH BEST Quality Reproduction

30" x 40" Acrylic on Canvas
A friend has recently inherited some farmland and it has an old Amish built barn, over 100 years old. The outer wood has seen better years but the hugh interior timbers are as sturdy as ever. I used it as a background to this early evening scene as the resident Barn Owl heads out for dinner.
30"x40" Canvas GICLÉE $574.00
30" x 40" Fine Art Somerset Velvet Bamboo, Estrada Paper $298.00
30" x 40" C-Print - Satin Paper $128.00
30" x 40" Poster Paper, Satin $166.00
Plus Shipping/Handling
Other sizes can be purchased.
Please inquire for options.

36" x 24" Acrylic on Canvas
I've seen some male Mourning Doves behave very persistently. These may be younger ones that have yet to find a mate. In this case, the foreground male is puffing its feathers to look larger. The pair in the background look on curiously.
36"x24" Canvas GICLÉE $452.00
36" x 24" Fine Art Somerset Velvet Bamboo, Estrada Paper $236.00
36" x 24" C-Print - Satin Paper $132.00
36" x 24" Poster Paper, Satin $102.00
Plus Shipping/Handling.
Other sizes can be purchased.
Please inquire below for options.

24" x 18" Acrylic on Canvas
This is another painting inspired by the beautiful photos from Trish Harmon. It's a combination of images including a sky I sourced from my many cell phone images of the sky. We have a female Wood Duck enjoying the warm rays of the morning sun while she nests in a Sycamore tree.
Not sure why I chose this title. Popped into my head and it just seemed right.
24"x18" Canvas GICLÉE $274.00
24" x 18" Fine Art Somerset Velvet Bamboo, Estrada Paper $274.00
24" x 18" C-Print - Satin Paper $80.00
24" x 18" Poster Paper, Satin $60.00
Plus Shipping/Handling.
Other sizes can be purchased.
Please inquire below for options, including purchase of original.

40" x 16" Acrylic on Canvas
I came across this interesting fallen tree and eventually decided to use it as a background. ​It seemed to be a good spot where a bobcat might take a break and use the elevated position to keep an eye on its surroundings.
40"x16" Canvas GICLÉE $574.00
40" x 16" Fine Art Somerset Velvet Bamboo, Estrada Paper $298.00
40" x 16" C-Print - Satin Paper $158.00
40" x 16" Poster Paper, Satin $126.00
Plus Shipping/Handling.
Other sizes can be purchased.
Please inquire below for options, including purchase of original.

Images taken by Trish Harmon were again the inspiration for this painting. My first painting of deer. Hopefully there will be many more.
36" x 18" Acrylic on Canvas
36"x18" Canvas GICLÉE $452.00
36"x18" Fine Art Somerset Velvet Bamboo, Estrada Paper $240.00
36"x18" C-Print - Satin Paper $132.00
36"x18" Poster Paper, Satin $110.00
Plus Shipping/Handling.
Other sizes can be purchased.
Please inquire below for options, including purchase of original.

Always ready to do one of my favorite subjects, I see this mated pair of bobcats resting in the shade on a warm day. Their stay together will be temporary as these felines spend most of their time as solitary predators.
48" x 36" Acrylic on Canvas
48"x36" Canvas GICLÉE $800.00
48"x36" Fine Art Somerset Velvet Bamboo, Estrada Paper $480.00
48"x36" C-Print - Satin Paper $260.00
48"x36" Poster Paper, Satin $200.00
Plus Shipping/Handling.
Other sizes can be purchased.
Please inquire below for options, including purchase of original.

24" x 36" Acrylic on Canvas
The forest is forever creating miniature stages on which smaller creatures play out their story. I was drawn to this one by all the textures and variety of plants growing around a once magnificent, tall standing tree now in the slow process of retuning back to Earth.
24"x36" Canvas GICLÉE $452.00
24"x36" Fine Art Somerset Velvet Bamboo, Estrada Paper $236.00
24"x36" C-Print - Satin Paper $132.00
24"x36" Poster Paper, Satin $102.00
Plus Shipping/Handling.
Other sizes can be purchased.
Please inquire below for options, including purchase of original.

16" x 20" Acrylic on Canvas
Textures on the stacked stones and the mosses finding a foothold inspired this painting. The energetic and fleeting warbler seemed to be a good contrast to the partial wall that has stood immobile for who knows how many decades.